Is this IRL or Virtual

IRL in Station 3 NYC

What’s the format?

1 - 2 small closed door sessions every day with an experienced founder / KOL / VC. These are open, raw dialogues with ample space for you to ask hard questions. No cookie cutter conference style talks.

Rest of the time is free for you to collaborate with other founders + work on your own projects.

What’s the objective?

  1. Expand your braintrust. This is a community where resourceful founders help each other out, learn and grow. Pick key problem areas, get people together, and brainstorm / whiteboard.

  2. Up Skill. The guests we invite to drop by are there to help you, both 1 on 1 and as a group. Our key focus area for this pop up is to invite people who can help with narrative building & fundraising.

What’s required from attendees?

Be present. Contribute to the community (don’t just come for advice, help others). Bring good vibes and have fun.

Is travel and accommodation provided?


Can I bring my team?